Thursday, November 28, 2019

Interactive Communication Skills Essay Example

Interactive Communication Skills Essay Youre supposed to tell people what to do. All too often, though, people in management positions forget to make expectations clear, so make sure your employees or supervises know exactly what you want from them on every project. Make Expectations Reasonable With budget cuts sweeping the nation, more and more people are shouldering extra responsibilities. From volunteers at non profits to high level employees at large corporations, were all working extra hard. In this climate, its important to keep seasonable expectations. Dont give people tasks that are doomed to failure. If your company or department is suffering from budget cuts or employee losses, productivity may dip, so its important not to blame employees for things theyre not responsible for. Correct Mistakes When someone makes a mistake, let them know. This gives them an opportunity to correct it rather than making the same mistake. Correcting mistakes does not mean youre being a bully. Rather, it means youre giving people a chance to succeed. We will write a custom essay sample on Interactive Communication Skills specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Interactive Communication Skills specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Interactive Communication Skills specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Communicate When youre in a position of power that allows you to see the big picture, it can be say to forget that not everyone has the benefit of your birds eye view. Communicate frequently with people you supervise about future plans, projects, and goals. Make sure to communicate both the positive and negative. Too often, bosses get caught up in criticizing rather than praising, so avoid this common mistake. Treat Employees Like People You shouldnt be overly involved in your employees personal lives in most cases, but that doesnt mean its not a good idea to invest in them as people. Make small talk and convey a sense of genuine care for them as people. Remembering birthdays, offering condolences when someone dies, and creating a team environment can lead to a substantially better working environment. Criticize Constructively Criticism can be beneficial to a persons Job performance, but not if they feel like theyre being torn down as a human being. Rather than questioning a persons dedication or competence, give specific instructions about what they can do differently. Dont engage in blaming or name calling. Offer Praise Perhaps the most important thing a good boss does is to offer praise when someone does something right. Aim to praise everyone at least twice as often as you criticize them. Even employees who are slacking off or not performing well can benefit from regular praise. When people feel good about themselves they tend to do better. Accept Criticism Perhaps the most critical difference between good bosses and great ones is that great bosses are willing to accept constructive criticism. Ask your employees what you can do to be a better supervisor, and be willing to listen to their concerns. Dont Engage in Office Gossip Every office has its own politics, with in groups, out groups, and cliques. Dont get manage, will suffer. Treat each employee equally, and dont Judge performance based upon how much you or someone else likes a particular employee. Dont Be a Pushover Its true that some of the worst bosses are Just blatantly mean, but being a pushover can be equally problematic. If youre afraid of confrontation, your employees dont have a chance to get meaningful feedback and improve at their Jobs. Work to straddle the line between being a pushover and a bully, and instead be assertive but kind. Your employees will be grateful for your combination of assertiveness and friendliness. 0 QUALITIES A SUPERVISOR SHOULD HAVE The 10 main qualities required are: 1 . Great communication skills: As a supervisor one must communicate clearly and correctly to avoid misunderstandings and frustrations. When receiving information from a subordinate, she should be sure to receive it correctly There is no harm in asking again if necessary. 2. Adapt to the changes: World is changing at a fast pace. The efficient supervisors ought to keep up with it. Do not Just blindly follow the age old norms and rules. Think out of the box if required. Adjust to the needs of the organization. 3. Value the employees: The people are any supervisors real asset. They are ones running the business and the work. A good supervisor understands their worth and treats them accordingly. 4. A coacher/mentor: Share your experience. A good supervisor shares her wisdom, knowledge and experience with the employees. She helps them perform better. This also strengthens the bond and the trust between them. 5. Disciplined: If a supervisor is disciplined then only can she expect the people to be so. The boss is an example Come on time, meet the time- lines, set a behavioral code if necessary. 6. Feedback/incentives: Promotions, feedback, raises and accolades should be showered on the deserving people. 7. Be an example: Be hands on Do not Just always delegate. At times the boss should take on projects too. She may try picking up something less attractive or uninteresting and complete it wonderfully. This sets an example to all the team about taking up challenges and about how any work is important. . Be approachable: The employees should not hesitate in approaching the supervisor with their concerns and problems. An efficient supervisor will make sure that there is enough trust and openness teeny her and the employees for the latter to come to her with their grievances. 9. Be considerate: People are not Just employees. They have families, friends and a life beyond work. Unless there is som ething urgent, do not make them work beyond the usual hours. Let them have their weekends and vacations. Be practical when setting the time-lines. This all will in turn improve the efficiency and the productivity of the employees. 10. Positive attitude: Be polite. Wish employees good mornings and be generous in thanking them. Inquire after about their families off and on. 11. Criticize instructively: When mistakes happen a good supervisor tries and understands the reasons behind the mishap. She criticizes or assesses the employee in proportion to the mistake. And it is always better to not to scream or scold in front of the others. Give constructive feedback; show them the right way to do things. . Equally important is understanding and incorporating employee feedback. A good supervisor interacts effectively with her employees, maintaining open lines of communication to ensure she stays informed bout project progress and brewing problems. Empathy If you cant place yourself in your employees shoes, you cant lead them effectively. For example, a parent might not be able to work overtime, or an employee going through a hard time might need temporary special considerations. Be as accommodating as possible in the face of genuine need, and your employees will be loyal in return. Ability to Delegate A good supervisor excels in delegating tasks to those employees best-equipped to handle them. Proper delegation streamlines a project, ensuring efficiency and maximizing profitability. Poor delegation, on the other hand, compromises a project. For example, if you delegate a vital task to an inexperienced employee, the whole project can slow. Worse, you might have to backtrack to fix errors, an inefficient use of time and resources. Flexibility No single approach to management works in every situation. Rather, a good supervisor chooses tactics based on the situation. For example, as a deadline nears, you might adopt a hard-line approach to ensure the work gets done. But your employees cant operate at full-speed perpetually, so adopt a more relaxed approach during downtime between projects. This gives employees time to recover their strength. Confidence Your employees look to you for inspiration. If you seem wish-washy or fearful, theyll assume you dont know what youre doing. That insecurity will create a negative workplace atmosphere, stifling productivity. But if you display confidence and positivist, your employees will be secure in your skills as a leader. Humility While a confident and positive outlook is important, not every decision you make will work out well. When a project fails or a choice backfires, accept responsibility and learn from the mistake. Dont blame your employees for problems that resulted from your mistakes. (1) Tame yourself You have to begin by understanding your personality and taming it. If you are too quiet, you will need to work on becoming more outgoing and decisive. If you are too decisive, to the point where you scare people, you will need to work on toning yourself down. You want to become a thoughtful, considerate leader who knows where you are going and is able to communicate that properly to the team. (2) Have a goal If you dont know where you are going, you will never arrive, and no one will be able to follow you. Your goal can e as simple as providing every customer with the best service or no injuries, no deaths on the Job or make a profit. (3) Have a clear, simple message You must be able to convey your goal in a sound bite. People can understand and retain clear, simple messages. You have to be able to repeat the message at meetings, in newsletters and in general conversations. If your people know the message, they will be able to follow. (4) Look and act like a leader People have a much easier time following someone who looks as they should. Your cl othes should be clean and pressed. Your shoes should be polished. You should walk with confidence. (5) Be trustworthy People wont follow you if they dont trust you. You must be ethical and People dont trust people who say one thing at a meeting, and then say or do something different outside of the meeting. (6) Care about your people You cant supervise people if you dont like them. You shouldnt become best friends with your staff, but you should know them and know what their problems are. Because you care, you should attend their weddings, and the funerals of their close family members. Because you are their leader, you should not attend more personal unctions, such as their birthday parties. You need to keep yourself concerned with your staff, but not intimately involved with them. If you are really not a people person, consider another, non-managerial position in your organization. Ruth Hag (wry. Managerial. Com) is the President and CEO of Hag Environmental Company, a hazardous waste consulting firm. Ruth is also a business management consultant. She trains supervisors to identify their shortcomings and tame them, while creating management systems that focus on their employees rather than themselves. She is also the author of several books, including a four-book series on supervisory management which includes Taming Your Inner Supervisor, Day to Day Supervising, Hiring and Firing and Why Projects Fail. She and her partner, Bob Hag, host the weekly radio show Manage Living, which can be heard on-demand on her site. 5 most important skills to become an effective supervisor 1 . Delegation skills: This is one of the most important supervisory skills and requires logical rules and technique for proper assignment. Effective delegation saves time, develops people, motivates the team and increases the production. Poor delegation will result in frustration, De-motivation and creates confusion among the sub- ordinates. The delegated task must be specific, measurable, realistic, agreed, time bound, ethical and recorded. 2. Interpersonal Skills: Employers appreciate supervisors who get along with people at all levels and so they hire supervisors with good interpersonal skills like communication, problem solving skills and team building skills. Interpersonal skill helps to build a trust between you and the sub- ordinates and thus able to work harmoniously and efficiently. 3. Performance valuation skills: Evaluation of employee performance is one of the most challenging aspects of a supervisors Job. This evaluation improves employees Job satisfaction and morale by letting him/her know that the supervisor is interested in their Job progress and personal development. This serves as systematic guide in planning employees further training, assist in determining special talents, skills and capabilities. PEP also provides an opportunity for employees to discuss Job problems and interests. 4. Training Skills: It is a supervisors Job to identify and impart training to the employees on regular basis. It helps in increasing the Job knowledge and skills of the employees and thus expand the overall personality of the employee to achieve individual goal and organization goals. 5. Decision making skill: This is an important skill required for a supervisor in order to complete their Job responsibilities. Best way is to solve problems by selecting one course of action from several possible alternatives where the positive outcome can outweigh possible losses. Avoiding decision may be easier; however, making own decision and accepting the consequences is the best way to stay control of your time and success.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Differences Between Baleen and Toothed Whales

Differences Between Baleen and Toothed Whales Cetaceans are a group of aquatic mammals which include all the varieties of whales and dolphins. There are over 80 recognized species of cetaceans, including both freshwater and saltwater natives. These species are divided into two main groups: the baleen whales  and the toothed whales. While they are all considered whales, there are some important differences between the two types.   Baleen Whales Baleen is a substance made of keratin (the protein that makes up human fingernails). Baleen  whales have as many as 600 plates of baleen in their upper jaws.   Whales strain seawater through the baleen, and hairs on the baleen capture fish, shrimp, and plankton. The salt water then flows back out of the whales mouth. The largest baleen whales strain and eat as much as a ton of fish and plankton each day. There are 12 species of baleen whales which live all over the world. Baleen whales were (and still sometimes are) hunted for their oil and ambergris; in addition, many are injured by boats, nets, pollution, and climate change. As a result, some species of baleen whales are endangered or near extinction. Baleen whales: Are generally larger than toothed whales. The largest animal in the world, the blue whale, is a baleen whale.Feed on smaller fish and plankton with a filtering system made up of hundreds of baleen plates.Tend to be solitary, although they occasionally gather in groups to feed or to travel.Have two blowholes on top of their head, one right next to the other (toothed whales have only one).Female baleen whales are larger than males of the same species. Examples of baleen whales include the blue whale, right whale, fin whale, and humpback whale. Toothed Whales It may come as a surprise to learn that the toothed whales include all species of  dolphins  and porpoises. In fact, 32 species of dolphins and 6 species of porpoises are toothed whales. Orcas, sometimes called killer  whales, are actually the worlds largest dolphins. While whales are larger than dolphins, dolphins are large (and more talkative) than porpoises.   Some toothed whales are freshwater animals; these include six species of river dolphins. River dolphins are freshwater mammals with long snouts and small eyes, which live in rivers in Asia and South America. Like baleen whales, many species of toothed whales are endangered. Toothed whales: Are generally smaller than baleen whales, although there are some exceptions (e.g., the sperm whale and Bairds beaked whale).  Are active predators and have teeth that they use to catch their prey and swallow it whole. The prey varies depending on species but can include fish, seals, sea lions or even other whales.Have a much stronger social structure than baleen whales, often gathering in pods with a stable social structure.Have one blowhole on top of their head.Unlike baleen whales, males of toothed whales species are usually larger than females. Examples of toothed whales include the beluga whale, bottlenose dolphin, and common dolphin.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Writing a blog for Lecture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Writing a blog for Lecture - Essay Example From the lecture, one was made to reflect on experiences during shopping in a mall, where various products offered were designed in different packages and brands that aim to entice consumers in buying them. The discussions on visual illusions that influence one’s perception and contribute to decision making were highly illuminating. These touched on the Muller-Lyer illusion (Muller-Lyer Illusion n.d.), Ponzo’s illusion (Ponzo Illusion n.d.), Ebbinghaus illustion (Vishton and Fabre 2003), and Lepper’s ambiguous lady illusion (Perceptual Ambiguity 1997). Depending on the need or demand, one’s perception is significantly influenced and therefore buying behavior is swayed by which need is most pressing. For instance, there is a need to purchase a laptop to be used for academic presentations. Manufacturers design different strategies to cater to different consumers. I could be enticed to buy a particular brand based on functionality and design and also the pric e of the product, since as a student, I do not have enough income to purchase the more advanced and technically sophisticated products, despite the intricate packaging or promotions being applied. I therefore learned that my consumer buying behavior could have been influenced by diverse internal and external factors. One’s perceptual process is assisted by external factors to aid in decision making. There could be changes to be made in future buying behavior depending on significant changes in one’s income level or serving more intricate needs that only specifically designed products could satisfy. "Perceptual Ambiguity." Illusion Works. 1997. Available at: (Accessed October 19, 2012). Skaalid, B. 1999. "Gestalt Principles of Perception." College of Education, University of Saskatchewan. Available at:

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Role Of ALAD In Lead Toxicology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Role Of ALAD In Lead Toxicology - Essay Example The mechanism of lead toxicity involves oxidative damage by producing reactive oxygen species which inhibit the production of sulfhydryl antioxidants, inhibit enzyme reactions impairing Heine production, cause inflammation in vascular endothelial cells, damage nucleic acids and inhibit DNA repair, and initiate lipid peroxidation in cellular membranes (Lyn Patrick, 2006). The toxicity of lead is due to its property to mimic other biologically essential metals, like calcium, iron, and zinc (Onalaja & Claudio, 2000). It has been observed that lead binds to enzymes that have functional sulfhydryl groups, rendering them nonfunctional and further contributing to impairment in oxidative balance. Levels of two specific sulfhydryl-containing enzymes that are inhibited by lead are delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydrogenase (ALAD) and glutathione reductase (GR) which has been demonstrated to be depressed in both animal and human lead-exposure studies (Lyn Patrick, 2006). Polymorphisms of the ALAD gene have been associated with the accumulation and distribution of lead in the blood, bone, and internal organs in humans and animals. Lead binds with and interacts with the same proteins and molecules, and interferes with the normal activity of molecules, such as in producing enzymes necessary for certain biological processes. Like it interferes with an essential enzyme Delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase or ALAD. ALAD is a zinc-binding protein which is important in the biosynthesis of heme, the cofactor found in hemoglobin.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Building a Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Building a Business - Assignment Example This is a risk that many entrepreneurs must face, yet the most committed ones often manage to find a way to get the business to a point where it can thrive. If I eventually found a partner to run the business with, my share in the business would reduce to half. However, I would also only be liable for half of the debts. The ultimate goal is to become a limited liability company or corporation so that I would not be personally affected by any debts that the business would incur. This is a risk that many entrepreneurs must face, yet the most committed ones often manage to find a way to get the business to a point where it can thrive. If I eventually found a partner to run the business with, my share in the business would reduce to half. However, I would also only be liable for half of the debts. The ultimate goal is to become a limited liability company or corporation so that I would not be personally affected by any debts that the business would incur. Because the business will begin as a sole proprietorship, I would not have the ability to raise funds right away. Any money that the business would start out with would have to be personally funded by myself. This is a huge risk, especially if the business goes bust. The initial startup capital would be $50,000. This is not a huge amount, but it would get the business started at least. Because I would be running the business by myself, I would look to source sports shoes at wholesale prices and then on-sell them at retail prices. Using this selling strategy would result in very little profit at first. However, it would slowly pay off my initial capital of $50,000. Obviously, if another partner joined the business, they would be able to invest some funds. This would mean that the business would reduce its debt by up to twice as fast as I could by myself. Eventually, if the business gets to the stage of an organization, money could be raised through stocks and shares. Because Sporty Shoes would not gain instant mark et recognition, the demand would start out very low. Very few people would have heard about the brand, so customers would generally be local. Once the business gained more of a reputation, demand would increase, particularly from other states. Demand can be expected to remain high over the long term because sports shoes are needed for all types of athletic activity.

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Transmission Of Pathogens Biology Essay

The Transmission Of Pathogens Biology Essay Infectious diseases are caused by the transmission of pathogens, which are microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses. Pathogens can be transmitted by direct contact horizontal and vertical transmission and by indirect contact vehicle-borne transmission and vector-borne transmission. Pathogens are microorganisms that cause infectious disease. Bacteria and viruses are the main pathogens. Bacteria Salmonella bacterium cell Bacteria come in many shapes and sizes, but even the largest are only 10 micrometres long (10 millionths of a metre). Bacteria are living cells and, in favourable conditions, can multiply rapidly. Once inside the body, they release poisons or toxins that make us feel ill. Viruses Hepatitis C virus. DNA are enclosed in a protein coat. Transmission of pathogens Microorganisms can be transmitted in two main ways: direct contact and indirect contact. Direct contact Direct contact means that the disease-causing microbe is passed from one person to another when their bodies touch in some way. Vertical transmission happens when microorganisms pass from a mother to her unborn baby through the placenta. German measles and HIV can pass this way. Horizontal transmission happens when microorganisms pass from one person to another by touching, kissing or sexual intercourse. Examples of horizontal transmission type of contact bacterial disease viral disease touching bacterial gastroenteritis chickenpox kissing bacterial meningitis glandular fever, cold sores sexual intercourse gonorrhoea, syphilis HIV, hepatitis B Indirect contact Indirect contact happens when microorganisms are carried to a person in some way, instead of by actual body to body contact. Vehicle-borne transmission involves an object carrying the disease-causing microorganism. Examples of vehicle-bourne transmission vehicle bacterial disease viral disease droplets in the air tuberculosis (TB) colds, flu water cholera polio sharp objects tetanus HIV food Salmonella food poisoning hepatitis A Vector-borne transmission involves an animal such as an insect. For example, malaria is transmitted by mosquitoes and plague by fleas. The first line of defence Most pathogens have to get inside our body to spread infection. Once they are inside, the body provides ideal living conditions plenty of food, water and warmth. Standing in their way is our bodys immune system the bodys co-ordinated response to the invading pathogens. The first line of defence is the bodys natural barriers. These include: skin nasal hairs, mucus and cilia tears The skin Cross-section of skin The skin covers the whole body. It protects the body from physical damage, microbe infection and dehydration. Its dry, dead outer cells are difficult for microbes to penetrate, and the sebaceous glands produce oils which help kill microbes. Nasal hairs, mucus and cilia The respiratory system (or gaseous exchange tract) is protected in several ways. Nasal hairs keep out dust and larger microorganisms. Sticky mucus traps dust and microbes. These are then carried away by cilia, which are tiny hairs on the cells that line the gaseous exchange tract. Tears Tears, saliva and mucus contain an enzyme called lysozyme. This destroys microorganisms. The second line of defence Scabs If microorganisms get into the body through a cut in the skin, the most important thing is to quickly close the wound so more microorganisms cannot enter. A scab does just this. The blood contains tiny structures called platelets, and a protein called fibrin. A scab is basically platelets stuck in a fibrin mesh. The animation shows how this works. White blood cells As a wound heals, nearby blood vessels widen to allow more blood to reach the area. This causes inflammation where the damaged area becomes swollen, hot and red. White blood cells called phagocytes move into the area, and destroy bacteria by engulfing and digesting them. The third line of defence Pathogens contain certain chemicals that are foreign to the body and are called antigens. White blood cells called lymphocytes carry a specific type of antibody a protein that has a chemical fit to a certain antigen. When a lymphocyte with the appropriate antibody meets a dangerous foreign body (pathogen containing antigen), the lymphocyte reproduces quickly, and makes many copies of the antibody that neutralises the pathogen. Antibodies neutralise pathogens in a number of ways: They bind to pathogens and damage or destroy them. They coat pathogens, clumping them together so that they are easily ingested by phagocytes. They bind to the pathogens and release chemical signals to attract more phagocytes. Lymphocytes may also release antitoxins that stick to the appropriate toxin and stop it damaging the body. Tuberculosis Tuberculosis, or TB for short, is a disease caused by a bacterium called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The microorganisms are spread through the air in tiny droplets when an infected person sneezes or coughs. Most people who are infected do not show any symptoms. About 10 per cent of people who are infected will go on to suffer symptoms, which include: shortness of breath coughing weight loss tiredness fever death (in about 50 per cent of cases) Only infected people who show symptoms of TB can spread the microorganisms to other people. Prevention and control of TB (Higher Tier) The BCG (Bacillus Calmette-GuÃÆ'Â ©rin) vaccination protects about 75 per cent of uninfected people from becoming infected. Antiobiotics are drugs that kill bacteria or prevent them from reproducing. Infected people who do not show any symptoms of TB are usually given a course of one antibiotic, but infected people who are showing symptoms of TB need a course of several antibiotics at once. This is to reduce the chance that strains of antibiotic-resistant bacteria will emerge.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Child Abuse and Neglect :: Violence Against Children

Outline Thesis: What is Child Abuse and what are it’s effects on the child and his/her family? I. Introduction II. Different types of child abuse A. Physical Abuse B. Sexual Abuse C. Incest D. Exploitation III. Neglect A. Physical Neglect B. Educational Neglect C. Emotional Neglect D. Moral Neglect IV. Sexual Abuse A. Exhibitionism B. Sexual Acts V. Incest A. Sexual acts between relatives B. Victim statistics VI. Child Pornography A. Boomed in the 70's B. Abused passed on through generations VII. Where abused children are found A. All neighborhoods B. Low income families IX. Abuse Laws A. Laws in all states B. Abuse statistics X. Conclusion What is Child Abuse? By definition, child abuse is the deliberate and willful injury of a child by a caretaker hitting, beating with an object, slamming against a wall, even killing. It involves active, hostile, aggressive treatment. The key word in the definition of child abuse is deliberate. Why would anyone physically harm a child? The physical destruction of a child is the extreme reaction of parents to the stress of having children. Most people are not aware of the fact that deliberately hitting a child is considered a felony in all fifty states. Abuse of children is more common than most people realize. At least one out of five adult women and one out of every ten adult men report having been abused in childhood. Recognizing child abuse in its several forms is a twentieth century phenomenon. Child abuse is also more likely to be recognized in economically developed countries than in other parts of the world. Children have been beaten and abandoned for centuries, based primarily on the belief that children are the property of their parents. By educating yourself and your children about abuse, you can help prevent it from happening to your children and better cope with it if it does. (Child 6) There are four different forms of child abuse. They are physical abuse (child beating and neglect), sexual abuse, incest, and exploitation (such as child pornography). Physical abuse occurs when a caretaker deliberately beats the child. Some examples of 2 physical abuse include burning with a cigarette, striking a child, and scalding with hot water. According to social agencies, beatings of children have been multiplying over the past twenty-five years or so. The increasing number of reports could mean that in recent years, social workers, health professionals, and other experts have become better able to recognize cases of mistreatment. Child Abuse and Neglect :: Violence Against Children Outline Thesis: What is Child Abuse and what are it’s effects on the child and his/her family? I. Introduction II. Different types of child abuse A. Physical Abuse B. Sexual Abuse C. Incest D. Exploitation III. Neglect A. Physical Neglect B. Educational Neglect C. Emotional Neglect D. Moral Neglect IV. Sexual Abuse A. Exhibitionism B. Sexual Acts V. Incest A. Sexual acts between relatives B. Victim statistics VI. Child Pornography A. Boomed in the 70's B. Abused passed on through generations VII. Where abused children are found A. All neighborhoods B. Low income families IX. Abuse Laws A. Laws in all states B. Abuse statistics X. Conclusion What is Child Abuse? By definition, child abuse is the deliberate and willful injury of a child by a caretaker hitting, beating with an object, slamming against a wall, even killing. It involves active, hostile, aggressive treatment. The key word in the definition of child abuse is deliberate. Why would anyone physically harm a child? The physical destruction of a child is the extreme reaction of parents to the stress of having children. Most people are not aware of the fact that deliberately hitting a child is considered a felony in all fifty states. Abuse of children is more common than most people realize. At least one out of five adult women and one out of every ten adult men report having been abused in childhood. Recognizing child abuse in its several forms is a twentieth century phenomenon. Child abuse is also more likely to be recognized in economically developed countries than in other parts of the world. Children have been beaten and abandoned for centuries, based primarily on the belief that children are the property of their parents. By educating yourself and your children about abuse, you can help prevent it from happening to your children and better cope with it if it does. (Child 6) There are four different forms of child abuse. They are physical abuse (child beating and neglect), sexual abuse, incest, and exploitation (such as child pornography). Physical abuse occurs when a caretaker deliberately beats the child. Some examples of 2 physical abuse include burning with a cigarette, striking a child, and scalding with hot water. According to social agencies, beatings of children have been multiplying over the past twenty-five years or so. The increasing number of reports could mean that in recent years, social workers, health professionals, and other experts have become better able to recognize cases of mistreatment.